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Text File | 2010-01-24 | 76.9 KB | 2,376 lines
/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** FlashGot - a Firefox extension for external download managers integration Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Giorgio Maone - g.maone@informaction.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/ const ASK_NEVER = [false, false, false]; // *** Base/Windows DMS ******************************************************** function FlashGotDM(name) { if (arguments.length > 0) { this._init(name); } } FlashGotDM.init = function() { FlashGotDM.dms = []; FlashGotDM.dmtests = {}; FlashGotDM.executables = {}; FlashGotDM.deleteOnExit = []; FlashGotDM.deleteOnUninstall = []; FlashGotDM.initDMS(); }; FlashGotDM.cleanup = function(uninstalling) { var trash = [].concat(FlashGotDM.deleteOnExit); if (uninstalling) trash = trash.concat(FlashGotDM.deleteOnUninstall); for each (var f in trash) { if (f instanceof CI.nsIFile) { try { f.remove(true); } catch(ex) {} } } }; FlashGotDM.prototype = { _init: function(name) { this.name = name; const dms = FlashGotDM.dms; var pos = dms.length; if (name in dms) { var other = dms[name]; for (var j = pos; j-- > 0;) { if (dms[j] == other) { pos = j; break; } } } dms[name] = dms[pos] = this; } , _cookieManager: null, _exeFile: false, _supported: null, custom: false, disabledLink: false, disabledSel: false, disabledAll: false, exeName: "FlashGot.exe", askPath: ASK_NEVER, cookieSupport: true, postSupport: false, priority: "", autoselect: true, _codeName: null, get codeName() { return this._codeName || (this._codeName = this.name.replace(/\W/g,"_")); }, getPref: function(name, def) { return fg.getPref("dmsopts." + this.codeName + "." + name, def); }, setPref: function(name, value) { fg.setPref("dmsopts." + this.codeName + "." + name, value); }, get asciiFilter() { return this.getPref("asciiFilter", false); }, get shownInContextMenu() { return this.getPref("shownInContextMenu", false); }, set shownInContextMenu(b) { this.setPref("shownInContextMenu", b); return b; } , get service() { return fg; } , get cookieManager() { return this._cookieManager ? this._cookieManager : this._cookieManager = CC["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"].getService(CI.nsICookieManager); } , get exeFile() { if (typeof(this._exeFile) == "object") return this._exeFile; const exeName = this.exeName; if (!exeName) return this._exeFile = null; if (typeof(FlashGotDM.executables[exeName]) == "object") { return this._exeFile = FlashGotDM.executables[exeName]; } try { var exeFile = fg.profDir.clone(); exeFile.append(exeName); this._exeFile = this.checkExePlatform(exeFile); if(this._exeFile) { FlashGotDM.deleteOnUninstall.push(this._exeFile); if (this.createExecutable()) { this.log(this._exeFile.path + " created"); } } } catch(ex) { this._exeFile = null; this.log("Can't init " + exeName + ":\n" + ex.message); } return FlashGotDM.executables[exeName] = this._exeFile; } , checkExePlatform: function(exeFile) { var path = exeFile.path; if (/\/.*\.exe/.test(path)) { if (!(fg.getPref("useWine", true) || this.name == fg.defaultDM)) return null; if(!FlashGotDM.wine) { // check for wine var wine = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); var winePaths = fg.getPref("wine.paths", "/usr/bin/wine:/usr/local/bin/wine:/opt/local/bin/wine:/Applications/Darwine/Wine.bundle/Contents/bin/wine"); if (!winePaths) return null; for each(var winePath in winePaths.split(/[;:,]+/)) { try { wine.initWithPath(winePath); if(wine.exists()) { FlashGotDM.wine = wine; break; } } catch(e) {} } if(!FlashGotDM.wine) return null; FlashGotDM.wineExecutables = []; } FlashGotDM.wineExecutables.push(exeFile); return exeFile; } if (FlashGotDMMac.isMac) return null; return /\\.*\.sh$/i.test(path) ? null : exeFile; } , get supported() { if (typeof(this._supported) == "boolean") return this._supported; if (this.customSupportCheck) { return this._supported = this.customSupportCheck(); } return this.baseSupportCheck(); }, baseSupportCheck: function() { if (!this.exeName) return true; if (!this.exeFile) return false; var dmtest; if (typeof(FlashGotDM.dmtests[this.exeName]) != "string") { const dmtestFile = fg.tmpDir.clone(); dmtestFile.append(this.exeName + ".test"); try { if (dmtestFile.exists()) { try { dmtestFile.remove(false); } catch(rex) {} } this.launchSupportTest(dmtestFile); this.log(dmtest = IO.readFile(dmtestFile)); } catch(ex) { this.log(ex.message); dmtest = ""; } FlashGotDM.dmtests[this.exeName] = dmtest; } else dmtest = FlashGotDM.dmtests[this.exeName]; return this._supported = dmtest.indexOf(this.name + "|OK") > -1; } , readWinRegString: function(hkroot, hkpath, hk) { if (!hk) hk = ""; var key, ret = null; if ("@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1" in CC) { // Firefox 1.5 or newer key = CC["@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1"].createInstance(CI.nsIWindowsRegKey); key.open(key["ROOT_KEY_" + hkroot], hkpath, key.ACCESS_READ); ret = key.readStringValue(hk); key.close(); } else { hkroot = hkroot.replace(/^([A-Z])*_(A_Z).*$/, "HK$1$2"); // CURRENT_USER -> HKCU if ("@mozilla.org/winhooks;1" in CC) { // SeaMonkey or other older non-toolkit application key = CC["@mozilla.org/winhooks;1"].getService(CI.nsIWindowsRegistry); } else if ("@mozilla.org/browser/shell-service;1" in CC) { key = CC["@mozilla.org/browser/shell-service;1"].getService(CI.nsIWindowsShellService) && ("getRegistryEntry" in key); } if (key) key.getRegistryEntry(key[hkroot], hkpath, hk); } return ret; } , launchSupportTest: function (testFile) { this.runNative(["-o", testFile.path], true); }, shouldList: function() { return this.supported; } , log: function(msg) { fg.log(msg); } , updateProgress: function(links, idx, len) { if (!links.progress) return; if ((idx % 100) == 0) { if (!len) { links.progress.update(100); return; } } links.progress.update(70 + 29 * idx / len); } , isValidLink: null , get quiet() { return this.getPref("quiet") || fg.getPref(this.codeName + ".quiet", false); }, quietOp: function(opType) { return this.getPref("quiet." + opType, false) || fg.getPref(this.codeName + ".quiet." + opType, false); } , createJobHeader: function(links, opType) { return links.length + ";" + this.name + ";" + (this.quietOp(opType) ? fg.OP_QET : opType) + ";" + links.folder + ";\n" } , createJobBody: function(links) { var jobLines = []; var postData = links.postData || ""; for (var j = 0, len = links.length, l; j < len; j++) { jobLines.push((l = links[j]).href, l.description, this.getCookie(l, links), postData); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } return jobLines.join("\n"); } , createJob: function(links, opType, extras) { var job = this.createJobHeader(links, opType) + this.getReferrer(links) + "\n" + this.createJobBody(links); if (typeof(links.document) == "object") { job += "\n" + links.document.referrer + "\n" + links.document.cookie + "\n"; } else { job += "\n\n\n"; } if(!extras) job += "\n\n"; else { while(extras.length < 3) extras.push(''); job += extras.join("\n"); } var cph = this.getPref("cookiePersistence", null); if(cph != null) job += cph; return job; } , download: function(links, opType) { try { links.folder = links.folder || (links.length > 0 ? this.selectFolder(links, opType) : ""); this.checkCookieSupport(); this.performDownload(links, opType); } catch(ex) { this.log(ex + "\n" + ex.stack); } finally { this.updateProgress(links, 0); // 100% } } , // best override point performDownload: function(links, opType) { this.performJob(this.createJob(links, opType)); } , getReferrer: function(links) { if (links.redirProcessedBy) { for (p in links.redirProcessedBy) { if (fg.getPref("redir.anonymous." + p, false)) return ""; } } if (!fg.getPref("autoReferrer", true)) return fg.getPref("fakeReferrer", ""); var ret = links.referrer || links.document && links.document.URL || links[0] && links[0].href; return (ret && /^https?:*/.test(ret)) ? ret : ""; } , checkCookieSupport: function() { this.getCookie = this.cookieSupport && !fg.getPref("omitCookies") ? this._getCookie :function() { return ""; } ; } , getCookie: function() { return ""; } , _getCookie: function(link, links) { if (!this.cookieSupport) return (this.getCookie = function() { return ""; })(); var host, cookies; if ((cookies = links.cookies)) { host = link.host; return host && cookies[host] || ""; } this.initCookies(links); return this._getCookie(link, links); }, initCookies: function(links) { var host, cookies, j, objCookie; const hostCookies = {}; var l, parts; for (j = links.length; j-- > 0;) { l = links[j]; parts = l.href.match(/http[s]{0,1}:\/\/([^\/]+\.[^\/]+)/i); // host? if (parts) { host = parts[1]; var hpos = host.indexOf("@"); if (hpos > -1) host = host.substring(hpos + 1); hostCookies[l.host = host] = ""; } else { l.host = null; } } var cookieHost, cookieTable, tmpCookie; const domainCookies={}; for (var iter = this.cookieManager.enumerator; iter.hasMoreElements();) { if ((objCookie = iter.getNext()) instanceof CI.nsICookie) { cookieHost = objCookie.host; if (cookieHost.charAt(0) == ".") { cookieHost = cookieHost.substring(1); cookieTable = domainCookies; if (typeof(tmpCookie=domainCookies[cookieHost]) != "string") { tmpCookie = ""; } } else { if (typeof(tmpCookie=hostCookies[cookieHost])!="string") continue; cookieTable = hostCookies; } cookieTable[cookieHost] = tmpCookie.concat(objCookie.name + "=" + objCookie.value + "; "); } } for (cookieHost in hostCookies) { var dotPos; for (host = cookieHost; (dotPos=host.indexOf('.'))>=0; ) { if ((tmpCookie = domainCookies[host])) { hostCookies[cookieHost] += tmpCookie; } host = host.substring(dotPos+1); } } links.cookies = hostCookies; }, // see http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq/#3.5 and http://www.xulplanet.com/references/xpcomref/ifaces/nsICookie.html formatNSCookie: function(cookie) { return [ cookie.host, cookie.isDomain ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", cookie.path, cookie.isSecure? "TRUE" : "FALSE", cookie.expires || this.cookieExpires, cookie.name, cookie.value ].join("\t"); }, cookieExpires: 0, // to be set once in getCookies() createCookieFile: function() { if (fg.getPref("omitCookies")) return null; const cookies = []; this.cookieExpires = new Date().getTime() + 24 * 3600 * 3650; // ten years for session cookies for (var cookie, iter = this.cookieManager.enumerator; iter.hasMoreElements();) { if ((cookie = iter.getNext()) instanceof CI.nsICookie) { cookies.push(this.formatNSCookie(cookie)); } } const f = fg.tmpDir.clone(); f.append("cookies"); f.createUnique(0, 0600); IO.writeFile(f, cookies.join("\n")); return f.path; } , createJobFile: function(job) { const jobFile = fg.tmpDir.clone(); jobFile.append("flashgot.fgt"); jobFile.createUnique(0, 0700); IO.writeFile(jobFile, job); return jobFile; } , performJob: function(job) { const jobFile = this.createJobFile(job); this.runNative([jobFile.path], false); } , createExecutable: function() { const exeFile = this.exeFile; if (!exeFile) return false; var channel; var bis = CC['@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1'].createInstance(CI.nsIBinaryInputStream); bis.setInputStream(( channel = IOS.newChannel("chrome://flashgot/content/" + this.exeName, null, null) ).open()); const bytesCount = channel.contentLength; const templateImage = bis.readBytes(bytesCount); bis.close(); if (exeFile.exists()) { try { bis.setInputStream(( channel = IOS.newChannelFromURI(IOS.newFileURI(exeFile)) ).open()); if (channel.contentLength == bytesCount) { try { if (bis.readBytes(bytesCount) == templateImage) { return false; } } finally { bis.close(); } } } catch(ioex) { this.log(ioex); } } var bos = null; try { const fos = CC["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance(CI.nsIFileOutputStream); fos.init(exeFile, 0x02 | 0x08, 0700, 0); bos = CC['@mozilla.org/binaryoutputstream;1'].createInstance(CI.nsIBinaryOutputStream); bos.setOutputStream(fos); bos.writeBytes(templateImage, bytesCount); bos.close(); return true; } catch(ioex) { this.log("Error writing " + exeFile.path + ": " + ioex); } finally { if (bos) try { bos.close(); } catch(e) {} } return false; } , runNative: function(args, blocking, exeFile) { try { if (typeof(exeFile) == "object" || (exeFile = this.exeFile).exists() || this.createExecutable()) { const proc = CC['@mozilla.org/process/util;1'].createInstance( CI.nsIProcess); if (FlashGotDM.wine && FlashGotDM.wineExecutables.indexOf(exeFile) > -1) { args.unshift(exeFile.path); exeFile = FlashGotDM.wine; } proc.init(exeFile); this.log("Running " + exeFile.path + " " + args.join(" ") + " -- " +(blocking ? "blocking" : "async") ); proc.run(blocking, args, args.length, {}); if (blocking && proc.exitValue != 0) { this.log("Warning: native invocation of\n" + exeFile.path + "\nwith arguments <" + args.join(" ") + ">\nreturned " + proc.exitValue); } return proc.exitValue; } else { this.log("Bad executable " + exeFile); } } catch(err) { this.log("Error running native executable:\n" + exeFile.path + " " + args.join(" ") + "\n" + err.message); } return 0xffffffff; } , getWindow: function() { return fg.getWindow(); } , selectFolder: function(links, opType) { if (this.quiet || this.quietOp(opType)) return ""; const autoPref_FF = "browser.download.useDownloadDir"; const autoPref_Moz = "browser.download.autoDownload"; var initialDir = null; var downloadDir = null; links.quickDownload = false; const pref = CC["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(CI.nsIPrefBranch); function findDownloadDir(prefName) { try { downloadDir = initialDir = pref.getComplexValue(prefName, CI.nsILocalFile); return prefName; } catch(ex) { return ""; } } const isMulti = opType != fg.OP_ONE; const multiDirPref = "flashgot.multiDir"; var downloadDirPref = (isMulti && findDownloadDir(multiDirPref)) || findDownloadDir("browser.download.dir") || findDownloadDir("browser.download.downloadDir") || findDownloadDir("browser.download.defaultFolder") || "browser.download.dir"; if (isMulti) downloadDirPref = multiDirPref; try { links.quickDownload = pref.getBoolPref(autoPref_FF); } catch(noFFEx) { try { links.quickDownload = pref.getBoolPref(autoPref_Moz); } catch(noMozEx) {} } if (!this.askPath[opType]) return ""; if (((!isMulti) || fg.getPref("multiQuiet", false)) && downloadDir && downloadDir.exists() && downloadDir.isDirectory() && links.quickDownload) { return downloadDir.path; } var params = { title: "FlashGot (" + this.name.replace(/[\(\)]/g, "") + ")", initialDir: initialDir, choosenDir: null } this.getWindow().openDialog( "chrome://flashgot/content/chooser.xul", "flashgotChooser", "chrome, dialog, modal, dependent, centerscreen", params); if (params.choosenDir) { pref.setComplexValue(downloadDirPref, CI.nsILocalFile, params.choosenDir); var path = new String(params.choosenDir.path); path._fgSelected = true; return path; } throw new Error("Download cancelled by user"); }, sanitizeWinArg: function(a) { return a.replace(/([\|\(\) &\^])/g, "^$1"); }, supportURLList: function(links, argsTemplate) { if (/\[[^\]]*UFILE[^\]]*\]/.test(argsTemplate) && links.length) { // we must create a file list var sep = fg.isWindows ? "\r\n" : "\n"; var urlList = ""; for (j = 0; j < links.length; j++) { urlList += links[j].href + sep; } links.length = 1; return FlashGotDMX.prototype.createJobFile.call(this, urlList).path; } return null; }, nativeUI: null, hideNativeUI: function(document) { if (!(this.nativeUI && this.getPref("hideNativeUI", true))) return; fg.hideNativeUI(document, this.nativeUI); } } // *** Unix-like DMS *********************************************************** function FlashGotDMX(name, cmd, argsTemplate) { if (arguments.length != 0) { this._init(name); const cmds = FlashGotDMX.prototype.unixCmds; cmds[name] = cmd; this.unixCmd = cmd; if (argsTemplate) this.argsTemplate = argsTemplate; this.cookieSupport = /\[.*?(?:CFILE|COOKIE).*?\]/.test(this.argsTemplate); } if (FlashGotDMMac.isMac) { this.createJobFile = FlashGotDMMac.prototype.createJobFile; } } FlashGotDMX.prototype = new FlashGotDM(); FlashGotDMX.constructor = FlashGotDMX; FlashGotDMX.prototype.exeName = "flashgot.sh"; FlashGotDMX.prototype.terminal = false; FlashGotDMX.prototype.askPath = [true, true, true]; FlashGotDMX.prototype.unixCmds = {}; FlashGotDMX.prototype.__defineGetter__("unixShell", function() { var f = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); try { f.initWithPath("/bin/sh"); if (!f.exists()) { this.log(f.path + " not found"); f = null; } } catch(ex) { f = null; this.log("No *X shell: " + ex.message); } delete FlashGotDMX.prototype.unixShell; return FlashGotDMX.prototype.unixShell = f; }); FlashGotDMX.prototype.argsTemplate = "[URL]"; FlashGotDMX.prototype.launchSupportTest = function(testFile) { const cmds = this.unixCmds; var script="(\n"; for (var name in cmds) { cmd = cmds[name]; script += " which \"" + cmd + "\" && echo '" + name + "|OK' || echo '" + name+"|KO'\n"; } script += ") > '" + testFile.path + "' 2>/dev/null\n"; this.performJob(script, true); }; FlashGotDMX.prototype.createCmdLine = function(parms, cmd) { return (cmd || this.unixCmd) + " " + this.argsTemplate.replace(/\[(.*?)(URL|FNAME|REFERER|COOKIE|FOLDER|POST|UFILE|CFILE)(.*?)\]/g, function(all, before, parm, after) { v = parms[parm]; return typeof(v) != "undefined" && v != null ? before + v + after : ""; } ) +" &\n"; }; FlashGotDMX.prototype.shellEsc = function(s) { return s ? s.replace(/([\\\*\?\[\]\$&<>\|\(\)\{\};"'`])/g,"\\$1").replace(/\s/g,"\\ ") : null; }; FlashGotDMX.prototype.createJob = function(links, opType) { const shellEsc = this.shellEsc; // basic implementation const folder = shellEsc(links.folder); const referrer = shellEsc(this.getReferrer(links)); const postData = shellEsc(links.postData); var cmd = this.unixCmd; var job; if (this.terminal) { job = "if [ \"$COLORTERM\" = \"gnome-terminal\" ] && which gnome-terminal 2>/dev/null; then DOWN_CMD='gnome-terminal -x " + cmd + "'; elif which xterm 2>/dev/null; then DOWN_CMD='xterm -e " + cmd + "'; else DOWN_CMD='" + cmd + "'; fi\n"; cmd = "$DOWN_CMD"; } else { job = ""; } if (links.folder) job += "cd '" + links.folder + "'\n"; var l, url; var cookieFile = this.createCookieFile(); var urlListFile = this.supportURLList(links, this.argsTemplate); for (var j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; url = l.href; job += this.createCmdLine({ URL: shellEsc(url), FNAME: l.fname && shellEsc(l.fname) || null, REFERER: referrer, COOKIE: shellEsc(this.getCookie(l, links)), CFILE: cookieFile, FOLDER: folder, POST: postData, UFILE: shellEsc(urlListFile) }, cmd); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } return job; }; FlashGotDMX.prototype.performJob = function(job, blocking) { const jobFile = this.createJobFile("#!" + this.unixShell.path + "\n" + job); jobFile.permissions = 0700; var exeFile = FlashGotDMMac.isMac ? FlashGotDMMac.exeFile : jobFile; this.runNative([], blocking, exeFile); }; FlashGotDMX.prototype.checkExePlatform = function(exeFile) { return this.unixShell && exeFile; }; FlashGotDMX.prototype.createExecutable = function() { return false; }; // *** Mac OS X DMS ************************************************************ function FlashGotDMMac(name, creatorId, macAppName) { if (arguments.length != 0) { this._initMac(name, creatorId, macAppName); } } FlashGotDMMac.exeFile = null; FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptFile = null; FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptName = "flashgot-mac-script"; FlashGotDMMac.OSASCRIPT = "/usr/bin/osascript"; FlashGotDMMac.isMac = (function() { const f = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); try { f.initWithPath(FlashGotDMMac.OSASCRIPT); return f.exists(); } catch(ex) { } return false; })(); FlashGotDMMac.prototype = new FlashGotDM(); FlashGotDMMac.constructor = FlashGotDMMac; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.exeName = "FlashGot"; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.cookieSupport = false; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.macCreators = []; FlashGotDMMac.prototype._initMac = function(name, creatorId, macAppName) { this._init(name); if (creatorId) { const creators=FlashGotDMMac.prototype.macCreators; creators[creators.length] = {name: name, id: creatorId}; } this.macAppName = macAppName ? macAppName : name; this.initAppleScriptBridge(); FlashGotDMMac.exeFile = this.exeFile; }; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.initAppleScriptBridge = function() { if (FlashGotDMMac.appletScriptFile) return; var home = fg.home && fg.home.parent; if (home) home.append("mac-flashgot"); if (!(home && home.exists() && home.isWritable())) { (FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptFile = fg.tmpDir.clone()) .append(FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptName); return; } (FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptFile = home.clone()) .append(FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptName); (FlashGotDMMac.prototype._exeFile = home.clone()).append(this.exeName); this.log("Setting executable permissions on " + this._exeFile.path); this._exeFile.permissions = 0700; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.createExecutable = function() { return false; } } FlashGotDMMac.prototype.shellEsc = function(s) { return s ? "'" + s.replace(/'/g, '"\'"') + "'" : null; } FlashGotDMMac.prototype.createScriptLauncher = function() { return "#!/bin/sh\n" + "SCRIPT=" + this.shellEsc(FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptFile.path) + "\n" + "USCRIPT=\"$SCRIPT.$$\"\n" + "mv \"$SCRIPT\" \"$USCRIPT\" || exit 1\n" + "head -n 1 \"$USCRIPT\" | grep '#!' >/dev/null && \"$USCRIPT\" || " + FlashGotDMMac.OSASCRIPT + " \"$USCRIPT\""; }; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.checkExePlatform = function(exeFile) { return FlashGotDMMac.isMac && exeFile || null; }; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.createExecutable = function() { var exeFile = this._exeFile; if (!exeFile) return false; try { var scriptLauncher = this.createScriptLauncher(); var mustCreate = true; if (exeFile.exists()) { if (IO.readFile(exeFile) == scriptLauncher) { exists = true; if (exeFile.isExecutable()) return false; mustCreate = false; } else { this.log(exeFile.path + " is corrupted or obsolete, replacing it..."); try { exeFile.remove(true); } catch(rex) {} } } else { this.log(exeFile.path + " not found, creating it..."); } if (mustCreate) { this.log("Creating Mac executable"); exeFile.create(0, 0700); IO.writeFile(exeFile, scriptLauncher); try { this.log("Trying to reset Leopard's quarantine attribute..."); var xattr = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); xattr.initWithPath("/usr/bin/xattr"); this.runNative(["-d", "com.apple.quarantine", exeFile.path], true, xattr); } catch(e) { this.log("Couldn't clear quarantine attribute " + e); } } this.log("Setting executable permissions on " + exeFile.path); exeFile.permissions = 0700; return mustCreate; } catch(ex) { this.log("Cannot create Mac executable: " + ex.message); } return false; }; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.launchSupportTest = function(testFile) { const creators = FlashGotDMMac.prototype.macCreators; var s = [ 'global gRes', 'set gRes to ""', 'on theTest(theName, theId)', ' set gRes to gRes & theName', ' try', ' tell app "Finder" to get application file id theId', ' set gRes to gRes & "|OK\n"', ' on error', ' set gRes to gRes & "|KO\n"', ' end try', 'end theTest' ]; for (var j = creators.length; j-- > 0; ) { s.push('theTest("' + creators[j].name + '","' +creators[j].id + '")'); } s.push( 'set theFile to POSIX file "' + testFile.path + '"', 'try', ' set fh to open for access theFile with write permission', ' write (gRes) to theFile', ' close access fh', 'on error', ' try', ' close access fh', ' end try', 'end try' ); this.performJob(s.join("\n"), true); }; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.createJobFile = function(job) { const jobFile = FlashGotDMMac.appleScriptFile; try { jobFile.remove(true); } catch(ex) {} try { jobFile.create(0, 0600); IO.writeFile(jobFile, job, /^#/.test(job) ? null : fg.getPref("appleScriptEncoding")); return jobFile; } catch(ex) { this.log("Cannot write " + (jobFile && jobFile.path) + ex.message); } return null; } FlashGotDMMac.prototype.performJob = function(job, blocking) { if (this.createJobFile(job)) this.runNative([], blocking, this.exeFile); }; FlashGotDMMac.prototype.createJob = function(links,opType) { const referrer = this.getReferrer(links); var job = "tell application \""+ this.macAppName+ "\"\n"; for (var j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { job += 'GetURL "' + links[j].href + '" from "' + referrer + "\"\n"; this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } job += "end tell\n"; return job; }; // *** Custom DMS ************************************************************** function FlashGotDMCust(name) { if (arguments.length == 0 || (!name) || (!name.length)) return; name = name.replace(/,/g, " "); this._init(name); this.prefsBase = "custom." + this.codeName + "."; } FlashGotDMCust.init = function() { const names = fg.getPref("custom", "").split(/\s*,\s*/); for (var j = names.length; j-->0;) { new FlashGotDMCust(names[j]); } } FlashGotDMCust.persist = function() { const dms = FlashGotDM.dms; const cdms = []; for (var j = dms.length; j-->0;) { if (dms[j].custom) cdms.push(dms[j].name); } fg.setPref("custom", cdms.join(",")); } FlashGotDMCust.prototype = new FlashGotDM(); FlashGotDMCust.constructor = FlashGotDM; delete FlashGotDMCust.prototype.launchSupportTest; delete FlashGotDMCust.prototype.exeFile; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.PLACEHOLDERS = ["URL", "COMMENT", "REFERER", "COOKIE", "FOLDER", "POST", "UFILE", "CFILE"]; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.custom = true; FlashGotDMCust.prototype. _supported = true; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.cookieSupport = false; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.postSupport = true; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.askPath = [true, true, true]; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.__defineGetter__("exeFile",function() { try { return fg.prefs.getComplexValue(this.prefsBase + "exe", CI.nsILocalFile); } catch(ex) { return null; } }); FlashGotDMCust.prototype.__defineSetter__("exeFile",function(v) { try { if (v) { fg.prefs.setComplexValue(this.prefsBase + "exe", CI.nsILocalFile,v); return v; } } catch(ex) { } return null; }); FlashGotDMCust.prototype.__defineGetter__("argsTemplate", function() { if (this.forcedTemplate) return this.forcedTemplate; var t = fg.getPref(this.prefsBase+"args", "[URL]"); return /['"`]/.test(t) ? this.argsTemplate = t : t; }); FlashGotDMCust.prototype.__defineSetter__("argsTemplate",function(v) { if (!v) { v = ""; } else { v = v.replace(/['"`]/g,""); } fg.setPref(this.prefsBase + "args", v); this.askPath = []; return v; }); FlashGotDMCust.prototype.download = function(links, opType) { const t = this.argsTemplate; this.cookieSupport = /\[.*?(?:CFILE|COOKIE).*?\]/.test(t); this.askPath[opType] = /\[.*?FOLDER.*?\]/.test(t); var exeFile = this.exeFile; // portable hacks if (exeFile && !exeFile.exists()) { // try changing the first part of path var path = exeFile.path; var profPath = fg.profDir.path; var pos1, pos2; if (path[1] == ":" && profPath[1] == ":") { // easy, it's Windows, swap drive letter path = profPath[0] + path.substring(1); } else if(path.indexOf("/mount/") == 0 && profPath.indexOf("/mount/") == 0) { pos1 = path.indexOf("/", 7); pos2 = profPath.indexOf("/", 7); path = "/mount/" + profPath.substring(7, pos2) + path.substring(pos1); } else if((pos1 = path.indexOf("/",1)) > 0 && (pos2 = profPath.indexOf("/", 1)) > 0) { path = profPath.substring(0, pos2) + path.substring(pos1); } else exeFile = null; if (exeFile) { exeFile = exeFile.clone().QueryInterface(CI.nsILocalFile).initWithPath(path); if (!exeFile.exists()) exeFile = null; } } links.exeFile= (exeFile || (exeFile = this.exeFile = this.locateExeFile())) ? exeFile : null; FlashGotDM.prototype.download.call(this, links, opType); }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.locateExeFile = function(name) { if (!name) name = this.name; var title = fg.getString("custom.exeFile"); title = 'FlashGot (' + name + ') - ' + title; const fp = CC["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(CI.nsIFilePicker); const win = this.getWindow(); fp.init(win, title, CI.nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilters(CI.nsIFilePicker.filterApps); fp.appendFilters(CI.nsIFilePicker.filterAll); if (fp.show() == CI.nsIFilePicker.returnOK) { var file = fp.file.QueryInterface(CI.nsILocalFile); if (file.exists()) { return file; } } return null; }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype._addParts=function(a, s) { var parts=s.split(/\s+/); var k, p; for (k in parts) { if ((p = parts[k])) { a[a.length] = p; } } }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.makeArgs = function(parms) { const args = []; var t = this.argsTemplate; var j, v, len, s; var idx; for (var m; m = t.match( /\[([\s\S]*?)(\S*)\b(URL|COMMENT|FNAME|REFERER|COOKIE|FOLDER|POST|CFILE|UFILE)\b(\S*?)([\s\S]*?)\]/); t = t.substring(idx + m[0].length) ) { if ((idx = m.index) > 0) { this._addParts(args, t.substring(0, idx)); } v = parms[m[3]]; if (!v) continue; this._addParts(args, m[1]); args[args.length] = m[2] + v + m[4]; this._addParts(args, m[5]); } if (t.length) { this._addParts(args, t); } return args; }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.createJob = function(links, opType) { return { links: links, opType: opType }; }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.shellEsc = function(s) { return s ? '"' + s.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"' : null; } FlashGotDMCust.prototype.winEscHack = function(s) { // hack for bug at http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/xpcom/threads/nsProcessCommon.cpp#149 return (/[;&=]/.test(s) && !/\s/.test(s)) // "=" and ";" are command line separators on win!!! ? s + " " : s; // we add a space to force escaping } FlashGotDMCust.prototype.performJob = function(job) { const links = job.links; const exeFile = links.exeFile; if (links.length < 1 || !exeFile) return; var esc = (fg.isWindows && this.getPref("winEscHack", true)) ? this.winEscHack : function(s) { return s; } const folder = links.folder; const referrer = esc(this.getReferrer(links)); const postData = esc(links.postData); var cookieFile = this.createCookieFile(); var urlListFile = this.supportURLList(links, this.argsTemplate); var maxLinks = fg.getPref(this.prefsBase + "maxLinks", 0); if (maxLinks > 0 && links.length > maxLinks) { this.log("Too many links (" + links.length + "), cutting to " + this.prefsBase + "maxLinks (" + maxLinks + ")"); links.length = maxLinks; } var l; for (var j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; this.runNative( this.makeArgs({ URL: esc(l.href), COMMENT: esc(l.description), FNAME: l.fname && esc(l.fname) || null, REFERER: referrer, COOKIE: esc(this.getCookie(l, links)), FOLDER: folder, POST: postData, CFILE: cookieFile, UFILE: urlListFile }), false, exeFile); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.checkExePlatform = function(exeFile) { return exeFile; }; FlashGotDMCust.prototype.createExecutable = function() { return false; }; // End FlashGotDMCust.prototype // ***************************************************************************** // END DMS CLASSES // ***************************************************************************** // DMS initialization FlashGotDM.initDMS = function() { const isWin = fg.isWindows; var dm; new FlashGotDM("BitComet"); dm = new FlashGotDM("Download Accelerator Plus"); dm.nativeUI = "#dapctxmenu1, #dapctxmenu2"; dm.performDownload = function(links, opType) { if (!("IDAPComponent" in CI)) { this.log("DAP extension not found, falling back to IE integration"); FlashGotDM.prototype.performDownload.apply(this, arguments); return; } function getDAP() { return CC["@speedbit.com/dapfirefox/dapcomponent;1"].createInstance(CI.IDAPComponent); } function downloadDoc(doc) { getDAP().RigthClickMenuDownloadAll(doc, "Firefox"); doc.defaultView.location.href = "about:blank"; } try { if (opType == fg.OP_ONE) { var l = links[0]; getDAP().RigthClickMenuDownload( l.href, this.getReferrer(links), this.getCookie(l, links), l.description, "Firefox"); return; } if (!links.document) { this.log("DAP: No document found"); return; } var doc = links.document; var url = doc.URL; if (opType == fg.OP_SEL) { var bwin = links.browserWindow || fg.getBrowserWindow(doc); if (!bwin) { this.log("DAP: no browser window found"); return; } var f = bwin.document.getElementById("_flashgot_iframe"); f.docShell.QueryInterface(CI.nsIWebPageDescriptor).loadPage( DOM.getDocShellFromWindow(doc.defaultView).QueryInterface(CI.nsIWebPageDescriptor).currentDescriptor, 2 ); var dm = this; f.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(ev) { try { var f = ev.currentTarget; f.removeEventListener(ev.type, arguments.callee, false); var doc = f.contentDocument; if (doc.URL != url) return; var root = doc.documentElement; while(root.firstChild) root.removeChild(root.firstChild); root.appendChild(doc.createElement("head")); root.appendChild(doc.createElement("body")); var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(); var a, l; for(var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) { a = doc.createElement("a"); l = links[j]; a.href = l.href; a.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(l.description)); frag.appendChild(a); } doc.body.appendChild(frag); downloadDoc(doc, "Firefox"); } catch(e) { dm.log("DAP Selection: " + e.message + " - " + e.stack); } }, false); } else { downloadDoc(doc); } } catch(e) { this.log("DAP: " + e.message + " - " + e.stack); return; } }; new FlashGotDM("Download Master"); for each (dm in [new FlashGotDM("DTA"), new FlashGotDM("DTA (Turbo)")]) { dm.__defineGetter__("supported", function() { return "dtaIFilterManager" in CI || "@downthemall.net/privacycontrol;1" in CC }); dm.turboDTA = /Turbo/.test(dm.name); dm.nativeUI = dm.turboDTA ? "#context-dta-savelinkt, #context-tdta, #dtaCtxTDTA, #dtaCtxSaveT, #dtaCtxTDTA-direct, #dtaCtxSaveT-direct" : "#context-dta-savelink, #context-dta, #dtaCtxDTA, #dtaCtxSave, #dtaCtxDTA-direct, #dtaCtxSave-direct"; dm.performDownload = function(links, opType) { if(!links.document) { this.log("No document found in " + links); return; } var w = links.browserWindow || fg.getBrowserWindow(links.document); if(!(w && w.DTA_AddingFunctions && w.DTA_AddingFunctions.saveLinkArray)) { this.log("DTA Support problem: " + w + ", " + (w && w.DTA_AddingFunctions) + ", tb:" + w.gBrowser + ", wl:" + w.location + ", wo:" + w.wrappedJSObject + ", " + (w && w.DTA_AddingFunctions && w.DTA_AddingFunctions.saveLinkArray)); return; } var mlSupport = w.DTA_getLinkPrintMetalink; var turbo = this.turboDTA; var cs = links.document && links.document.characterSet || "UTF-8"; var anchors = [], images = [], l, arr; var hash, ml; var referrer = this.getReferrer(links); var tag; var single = opType == fg.OP_ONE; var wrapURL = w.DTA_URL ? w.DTA_URL.toSource().indexOf("DTA_URL(url, preference)") > -1 ? function(url, cs) { return new w.DTA_URL(IOS.newURI(url, cs, null)); } : function(url, cs) { return new w.DTA_URL(url, cs); } : function(url) { return url }; var lastItem = null; for (var j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; arr = single || !(tag = l.tagName) || tag.toLowerCase() == "a" ? anchors : images; try { arr.push(lastItem = { url: wrapURL(l.href, cs), description: l.description, ultDescription: '', referrer: referrer }); if (arr == anchors && mlSupport && l.href.indexOf("#") > 0) { hash = l.href.match(/.*#(.*)/)[1]; ml = mlSupport(l.href); if (ml) { arr.push(lastItem = { url: wrapURL(ml, cs), description: '[metalink] http://www.metalinker.org/', ultDescription: '', referrer: referrer, metalink: true }); } } } catch(e) { this.log("DTA: " + e.message); } this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } if (!lastItem) { this.log("DTA: no link found in " + links.length); } else if (single && w.DTA_AddingFunctions.saveSingleLink) { w.DTA_AddingFunctions.saveSingleLink(turbo, lastItem.url, lastItem.referrer, lastItem.description, links.postData); } else { w.DTA_AddingFunctions.saveLinkArray(turbo, anchors, images); } } } new FlashGotDM("FlashGet"); dm = new FlashGotDM("FlashGet 2"); dm = new FlashGotDM("FlashGet 2.x"); dm.nativeUI = "#flashgetSingle, #flashgetAll, #flashgetSep, #flashget3Single, #flashget3All, #flashget3Sep"; dm = new FlashGotDM("Free Download Manager"); new FlashGotDM("FreshDownload"); dm = new FlashGotDM("GetRight"); dm.metalinkSupport = true; dm.download=function(links, opType) { if (opType == fg.OP_ONE && !fg.getPref("GetRight.quick")) { opType = fg.OP_SEL; } FlashGotDM.prototype.download.call(this, links, opType); }; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { var folder = links.folder; if (!(folder && folder._fgSelected)) folder = false; var referrer = this.getReferrer(links); switch (opType) { case fg.OP_ONE: var job = FlashGotDM.prototype.createJob.call(this, links, opType, fg.getPref("GetRight.old") ? ["old"] : null ).replace(/; /g, ";"); return job; case fg.OP_SEL: case fg.OP_ALL: var urlList = ""; var referrerLine = (referrer && referrer.length > 0) ? "\r\nReferer: " + referrer + "\r\n" : "\r\n"; var replacer = fg.getPref("GetRight.replaceSpecialChars", true) ? /[^\w\.-]/g : /[\x00-\x1f\\]+/g; var l, k, len, decodedURL, urlParts, fileSpec, cookie; for (var j = 0; j < links.length; j++) { l=links[j]; if (l.fname) fileSpec = l.fname; else if (folder) { fileSpec = ''; decodedURL = unescape(l.href); urlParts = decodedURL.match(/\/\/.+[=\/]([^\/]+\.\w+)/); if (!urlParts) urlParts=l.href.match(/.*\/(.*\w+.*)/); if (urlParts && (fileSpec = urlParts[1]) // && (links.length==1 || !/\.(php|[\w]?htm[l]?|asp|jsp|do|xml|rdf|\d+)$/i.test(fileSpec)) ) { urlParts = fileSpec.match(/(.*\.\w+).*/); if (urlParts) fileSpec = urlParts[1]; fileSpec = fileSpec.replace(replacer, '_'); } else continue; } else fileSpec = ''; if (fileSpec) { if (folder) fileSpec = folder + "\\" + fileSpec; fileSpec = "File: " + fileSpec + "\r\n"; } urlList+="URL: "+l.href +"\r\nDesc: "+l.description + "\r\n" + fileSpec; if (l.md5) { urlList += "MD5: " + l.md5 + "\r\n"; } if (l.sha1) { urlList += "SHA1: " + l.sha1+ "\r\n"; } if (l.metalinks) { for (k = 0, len = Math.min(16, l.metalinks.length); k < len; k++) { urlList += "Alt: " + l.metalinks[k] + "\r\n"; } } else { urlList += referrerLine; if ((cookie = this.getCookie(l, links))) { urlList += "Cookie: " + cookie + "\r\n"; } } this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } var file = fg.tmpDir.clone(); file.append("flashgot.grx"); file.createUnique(0,0600); var charset=null; try { charset=fg.getPref("GetRight.charset", fg.prefService.QueryInterface(CI.nsIPrefBranch ).getComplexValue("intl.charset.default", CI.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data); } catch(ex) {} IO.writeFile(file, urlList, charset); referrer = file.path; break; } var cmdOpts="/Q"; if (fg.getPref("GetRight.autostart",false)) { // CHECK ME!!! cmdOpts+="\n /AUTO"; } return this.createJobHeader({ length: 0, folder: "" }, opType) + referrer + "\n" + cmdOpts; }; dm.askPath=[false,true,true]; new FlashGotDM("GigaGet"); new FlashGotDM("HiDownload"); new FlashGotDM("InstantGet"); dm = new FlashGotDM("iGetter Win"); dm.nativeUI = "#all-igetter, #igetter-link"; dm.__defineGetter__("supported", function() { if (typeof(this._supported) == "boolean") return this._supported; if (FlashGotDMMac.isMac) return this._supported = false; this._supported = ("nsIGetterMoz" in CI); this.cookieSupport = false; if (this._supported) return true; this.cookieSupport = true; return this._supported = !!this.createExecutable(); }); dm.createExecutable = function() { var exeFile, path, key; exeFile = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); try { path = this.readWinRegString("CURRENT_USER", "Software\\iGetter") exeFile.initWithPath(path); } catch(e) { path = null; } if (!(path && exeFile.exists())) { try { exeFile = CC["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(CI.nsIProperties) .get("ProgF", CI.nsIFile); exeFile.append("iGetter"); exeFile.append("iGetter.exe"); } catch(e) { path = "C:\\Program Files\\iGetter\\iGetter.exe"; try { exeFile.initWithPath(path); } catch(e2) { return null; } } } this.browser = 3; if ("@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1" in Components.classes) { var info = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo); if(info.name.indexOf("Firefox") > -1) this.browser = 4; } return exeFile.exists() ? this._exeFile = exeFile : null; } dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { const cs = this.cookieSupport; var l; var job = [this.getReferrer(links)]; for (var j=0; j < links.length; j++) { l = links[j]; job.push(l.href, cs ? l.description + "~%iget^=" + this.getCookie(l, links) : l.description ); } return job.join("\r\n") + "\r\n"; }; dm.performJob = function(job) { const file = this.createJobFile(job); if (this.exeFile) { this.runNative(['-f', file.path, '-b', this.browser]) } else { CC["@presenta/iGetter"] .getService(CI.nsIGetterMoz) .NewURL(file.path); if (file.exists()) file.remove(0); } }; new FlashGotDM("Internet Download Accelerator"); (new FlashGotDM("Internet Download Manager")).postSupport = true; var lg2002 = new FlashGotDM("LeechGet 2002"); var lg2004 = new FlashGotDM("LeechGet"); lg2004.createJob = lg2002.createJob = function(links, opType) { var referrer; switch (opType) { case fg.OP_ONE: return FlashGotDM.prototype.createJob.call(this, links, links.quickDownload ? fg.OP_ONE : fg.OP_SEL); case fg.OP_SEL: var htmlDoc="<html><head><title>FlashGot selection</title></head><body>"; var l; for (var j=0, len=links.length; j<len; j++) { l = links[j]; var des = l.description; var tag = l.tagName ? l.tagName.toLowerCase() : ""; htmlDoc = htmlDoc.concat(tag == "img" ? '<img src="' + l.href + '" alt="' + des + '" width="' + l.width + '" height="' + l.height + "\" />\n" : "<a href=\"" + l.href + "\">" + des + "</a>\n"); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } referrer = fg.httpServer.addDoc( htmlDoc.concat("</body></html>") ); break; default: referrer = links.document && links.document.URL || ""; if (referrer.match(/^\s*file:/i)) { // fix for local URLs // we serve local URLs through built-in HTTP server... return this.createJob(links,fg.OP_SEL); } } return this.createJobHeader({ length: 0, folder: "" },opType) + referrer + "\n"; }; new FlashGotDM("Net Transport"); new FlashGotDM("Net Transport 2"); new FlashGotDM("NetAnts"); new FlashGotDM("Mass Downloader"); dm = new FlashGotDM("Orbit"); dm.nativeUI = "#OrbitDownloadUp, #OrbitDownload, #OrbitDownloadAll, #OrbidDownload_menuitem, #OrbitDownloadAll_menuitem"; dm = new FlashGotDM("ReGet"); dm.postSupport = true; if("@reget.com/regetextension;1" in CC) { try { dm.reGetService = CC["@reget.com/regetextension;1"].createInstance(CI.IRegetDownloadFFExtension); if (dm.reGetService.isExtensionEnabled()) { dm._supported = true; dm.performJob = function() {}; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { const rg = this.reGetService; var l; var len = links.length; var ref = links.referrer; if (len == 1) { l = links[0]; rg.setUrl(l.href); rg.setInfo(l.description); rg.setCookie(this.getCookie(l, links)); rg.setReferer(ref); rg.setPostData(links.postData); rg.setConfirmation(true); rg.addDownload(); return; } for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; rg.addToMassDownloadList( l.href, ref, this.getCookie(l, links), l.description, ""); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } rg.runMassDownloadList(); } } } catch(rgEx) {} } if (isWin) { dm = new FlashGotDMCust("Retriever"); dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; dm.custom = false; dm._supported = null; if (fg.getPref(dm.prefsBase + "maxLinks", -1000) == -1000) { fg.setPref(dm.prefsBase + "maxLinks", 10); } dm.customSupportCheck = function() { try { var cmd = this.readWinRegString("CLASSES_ROOT", "Retriever.Retriever.jar.HalogenWare\\shell\\Open\\command"); this.jarPath = cmd.replace(/.*-jar "?(.*?\.jar).*/, "$1"); this.argsTemplate = "[URL] [Referer:REFERER] [Cookie:COOKIE] [post:POST]"; var exeFile = CC["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(CI.nsIProperties) .get("WinD", CI.nsIFile); exeFile.append("System32"); exeFile.append("javaw.exe"); this.exeFile = exeFile; return true; } catch(e) { return false; } }; dm.makeArgs = function(parms) { return ["-jar", this.jarPath].concat( FlashGotDMCust.prototype.makeArgs.apply(this, arguments) ); }; dm = new FlashGotDMCust("DownloadStudio"); dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; dm.custom = false; dm._supported = null; dm.customSupportCheck = function() { try { var path = this.readWinRegString("LOCAL_MACHINE", "SOFTWARE\\Conceiva\\DownloadStudio", "Path"); if (!path) return false; var exeFile = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); exeFile.initWithPath(path); exeFile.append("DownloadStudio.exe"); if (exeFile.exists() && exeFile.isExecutable()){ this.exeFile = exeFile; this.argsTemplate = "<downloadstudio><originator>firefox</originator> " + "<script><add_jobs display_dialog=yes><joblist><job> [<url>URL</url>] " + "[<url_list_file>UFILE</url_list_file>] [<referer>REFERER</referer>] " + "[<post_data>POST</post_data>] [<cookie>COOKIE</cookie>] " + "</job></joblist></add_jobs></script></downloadstudio>"; return true; } } catch(e) {} return false; }; } const httpFtpValidator = function(url) { return /^(http:|ftp:)/.test(url); }; dm = new FlashGotDM("Star Downloader"); dm.cookieSupport = false; dm.isValidLink = httpFtpValidator; dm = new FlashGotDM("TrueDownloader"); dm.isValidLink = httpFtpValidator; dm = new FlashGotDM("Thunder"); dm.nativeUI = "#ThunderDownloadUp, #ThunderDownload, #ThunderDownloadAll"; dm.thunderDelay = 3000; dm.performDownload = function(links, opType) { var self = this; var postCall = function() { self.__proto__.performDownload.call(self, links, opType); } try { var path = this.readWinRegString("LOCAL_MACHINE","Software\\Thunder Network\\ThunderOem\\thunder_backwnd", "Path"); var exeFile = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); exeFile.initWithPath(path); this.runNative([], false, exeFile); fg.delayExec(postCall, this.thunderDelay); // give thunder one second to popup (more if cold start) this.thunderDelay = 1000; return; } catch(e) {} postCall; } new FlashGotDM("Thunder (Old)"); if (isWin) { dm = new FlashGotDM("WellGet"); dm.autoselect = false; dm.getRelativeExe = function() { try { return fg.prefs.getComplexValue("WellGet.path", CI.nsILocalFile); } catch(ex) {} return null; }; dm.customSupportCheck = function() { var wellGetExe = this.getRelativeExe(); try { var currentPath = wellGetExe.path; if(wellGetExe.exists() && wellGetExe.isExecutable()) return true; wellGetExe.initWithPath(fg.profDir.path.substring(0,2) + currentPath.substring(2)); if (wellGetExe.exists() && wellGetExe.isExecutable()) { if(wellGetExe.path != currentPath) { fg.prefs.setComplexValue("WellGet.path", CI.nsILocalFile, wellGetExe); } return true; } return false; } catch(ex) { } return !wellGetExe && this.baseSupportCheck(); }; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { var wellGetExe = this.getRelativeExe(); return FlashGotDM.prototype.createJob.call(this, links, opType, wellGetExe ? [wellGetExe.path] : null); }; dm.shouldList = function() { return true; } } dm = new FlashGotDM("JDownloader"); dm.askPath = [true, true, true]; dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.customSupportCheck = function() { try { if (this._checkPath()) return true; var self = this; fg.delayExec(function() { var r = self._createRequest("GET", function(r) { self._handleResponse(r.responseText.split(/[\r\n]+/)); }); r.send(null); }, 0); } catch(e) { fg.log(e); } return false; }; dm._handleResponse = function(res) { if (res.length < 2) return; var p = res[0]; if (fg.isWindows) p = p.replace(/\//g, '\\'); this.setPref("path", p); if (this._checkPath()) { this.setPref("args", res[1].substring(0, res[1].lastIndexOf(res[0])).replace(/^java\s*/, '')); this._supported = true; } }; dm._checkPath = function() { try { var p = this.getPref("path", ""); if (p) { var f = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); f.initWithPath(p); if (f.exists()) { this.jdFile = f; return true; } } } catch(e) {} this.setPref("path", ""); this.jdFile = null; return false; }; dm._winExe = function() { var exe = null; if (fg.isWindows) try { var fname = this.jdFile.leafName; if (/\.(jar|exe)$/.test(fname)) { var f = this.jdFile.clone(); f.leafName = fname.replace(/jar$/, 'exe'); if (f.exists() && f.isExecutable()) this.jdFile = exe = f; } } catch (e) {} return exe; }; dm._macExe = function() { try { if (!/\.app\/Contents\/Resources\/Java\/[^\/]+\.jar$/.test(this.jdFile.path)) return null; var exe = this.jdFile.parent.parent.parent; exe.append("MacOS"); exe.append("JavaApplicationStub"); return exe.exists() ? exe : null; } catch (e) { return null; } }, dm._createRequest = function(method, callback) { var r = CC["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(CI.nsIXMLHttpRequest); var url = this.getPref("url"); r.open(method, url, true); try { var chan = r.channel; if (chan instanceof CI.nsIHttpChannel) { var referrer = chan.URI.clone(); referrer.host = "localhost"; chan.referrer = referrer; } } catch(e) { fg.log(e); } if (callback) { r.onreadystatechange = function() { if (r.readyState == 4) { try { fg.log("JDownloader response:\n" + r.status + "\n" + r.responseText); } catch (e) {} callback(r); } }; } return r; } dm.MAX_RETRIES = 6; dm.performDownload = function(links, opType) { var pp = { urls: [], descriptions: [], cookies: [] }; var l, j, len; for (j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; pp.urls.push(l.href); pp.descriptions.push(l.description); pp.cookies.push(this.getCookie(l, links)); } var data = [ "referer=" + encodeURIComponent(this.getReferrer(links)), "autostart=" + (this.getPref("autostart", true) ? "1" : "0"), "package=" + encodeURIComponent(links.document && links.document.title || "FlashGot") ]; if (links.folder && links.folder._fgSelected) data.push("dir=" + encodeURIComponent(links.folder)); if (links.postData) data.push("postData=" + encodeURIComponent(links.postData)); for (j in pp) { data.push(j + "=" + encodeURIComponent(pp[j].join("\n"))); } this._post(data.join("&"), this.MAX_RETRIES); }; dm._post = function(data, retries) { var self = this; var r = this._createRequest("POST", function(r) { if (r.status != 200) self._handleRetry(data, retries); }); r.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); r.send(data); }; dm._handleRetry = function(data, retries) { var msg, fail = true; if (retries-- == this.MAX_RETRIES) { try { var args, exe = this._winExe() || this._macExe(); if (exe) { args = []; } else { if (!this.java) { var java = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); try { java.initWithPath(DOM.mostRecentBrowserWindow.java.lang.System.getProperty("java.home")); java.append("bin"); java.append(fg.isWindows ? "javaw.exe" : "java"); } catch (e) { java.initWithPath("/usr/bin/java"); } this.java = java; } exe = this.java; args = this.getPref("args", '').split(/\s+/); args.push(this.jdFile.path); } fail = !this.runNative(args, false, exe); } catch(e) { fg.log(e); this.java = null; } if (fail) msg = "Cannot launch " + (this.jdFile && this.jdFile.path || "JDownloader") + ". Please launch it manually or ensure Java is enabled in your browser."; } else if (retries == 0) { msg = "JDownloader not responding on " + this.getPref("url") + "!\nPlease check your firewall settings."; } else { fail = false; } if (fail) { DOM.mostRecentBrowserWindow.alert(msg); } else { var self = this; fg.delayExec(function() { self._post(data, retries); }, this.getPref("delay", 8) * 1000); } }; dm = new FlashGotDMX("Aria", "aria", "[-r REFERER] [-d FOLDER] -g [URL]"); dm.createJob = function(links,opType) { return FlashGotDMX.prototype.createJob.call(this,links,opType) + "\nsleep 4\n" + this.unixCmd + " -s &\n"; }; dm = new FlashGotDMX("Downloader 4 X (nt)", "nt"); dm.createJob = function(links,opType) { return this.unixCmd + "&\nsleep 1\n" + (links.folder && links.folder._fgSelected ? this.unixCmd + " -d " + this.shellEsc(links.folder) + "\n" :"") + FlashGotDMX.prototype.createJob.call(this,links,opType); }; dm = new FlashGotDMX("Downloader 4 X", "d4x", "[--referer REFERER] [-a URL] [--al POST] [COOKIE]"); dm.askPath = [false, true, true]; dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { const shellEsc = this.shellEsc; const referrer = shellEsc(this.getReferrer(links)); const folder = links.folder._fgSelected && links.folder || null; const quiet = this.quiet; const len = links.length; var job; if (len > 0) { var urls = []; for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { urls.push(shellEsc(links[j].href)); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } urls = urls.join(" "); var promptURLs_fakePost = null; var quietURLs_fakeCookie = null; if (quiet) { quietURLs_fakeCookie = urls; urls = null; } else if(len > 1) { promptURLs_fakePost = urls; urls = null; } var cookieFile = this.createCookieFile(); job = (cookieFile && cookieFile.path) ? "mkdir -p $HOME/.netscape && ln -fs " + shellEsc(cookieFile.path) + " $HOME/.netscape/cookies\n" : ""; if (folder) job += this.unixCmd + " -d " + shellEsc(folder) + "\n"; job += this.createCmdLine({ URL: urls, REFERER: referrer, COOKIE: quietURLs_fakeCookie || null, POST: promptURLs_fakePost }); } else job = ""; return job; }; dm = new FlashGotDMX("GNOME Gwget","gwget"); dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { if (opType == fg.OP_ALL) { links.length = 1; links[0].href = links.document ? links.document.URL : this.getReferrer(links); opType = fg.OP_ONE; } return FlashGotDMX.prototype.createJob.call(this, links, opType) } dm = new FlashGotDMX("KDE KGet","kget"); dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; if (isWin) { new FlashGotDM("wxDownload Fast"); } else { dm = new FlashGotDMX("wxDownload Fast", "wxdfast", "[-reference REFERER] [-destination FOLDER] [-list UFILE]"); dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; } dm = new FlashGotDMX("Axel","axel", '-n 4 [URL]'); dm.terminal = true; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { this.argsTemplate = this.argsTemplate.replace(/^-n \d+/, "-n " + this.getPref("connections", 4)); return this.__proto__.createJob.call(this, links , opType); }; dm = new FlashGotDMX("cURL","curl", '-L -O [-o FNAME] [--referer REFERER] [-b COOKIE] [-d POST] [URL]'); dm.postSupport = true; dm.terminal = true; if (FlashGotDMMac.isMac) dm.autoselect = false; dm = new FlashGotDMX("Wget", "wget", '-c [-O FNAME] [--directory-prefix=FOLDER] [--referer=REFERER] [--post-data=POST] [--load-cookies=CFILE] [--header=Cookie:COOKIE] [--input-file=UFILE]'); dm.postSupport = true; dm.terminal = true; if (fg.isWindows) { dm = new FlashGotDMCust("Uget"); dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; dm.custom = false; dm._supported = null; dm.customSupportCheck = function() { var path; try { path = this.readWinRegString("LOCAL_MACHINE", "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\uget.exe"); } catch (e) { path = this.getPref("path"); } if (!path) return false; try { var exeFile = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); exeFile.initWithPath(path); if (!(exeFile.exists() && exeFile.isExecutable())) return false; this.exeFile = exeFile; return true; } catch(e) { return false; } }; } else { dm = new FlashGotDMX("Uget", "uget-gtk", ''); dm.postSupport = true; dm.askPath = ASK_NEVER; } dm.performDownload = function(links, opType) { this.argsTemplate = '[--http-cookie-file=CFILE] [--http-post-data=POST] [--http-referer=REFERER] ' + ((opType == fg.OP_ONE) ? '[URL]' : '[--input-file=UFILE]'); this.__proto__.performDownload.apply(this, arguments); } dm = new FlashGotDMX("Aria 2", "aria2c", '--continue [-d FOLDER] [-o FNAME] [--referer=REFERER] [--load-cookies=CFILE] [--input-file=UFILE]'); dm.postSupport = false; dm.terminal = true; if (FlashGotDMMac.isMac) { dm = new FlashGotDMX("PSD", "$(defaults read com.PS.PSD psAppPath)", "-add [url UFILE] [cookie CFILE] [referer REFERER] [destination FOLDER]"); dm.postSupport = false; } function FlashGotDMSD(version) { this._initMac(typeof(version) == "number" && version > 3 ? "Speed Download" : ("Speed Download " + version), "Spee"); this.version = version; if (version > 2 || version == "Lite") { this.cookieSupport = true; this.postSupport = true; } }; FlashGotDMSD.prototype=new FlashGotDMMac(); FlashGotDMSD.prototype.createJob = function(links,opType) { var urlList = []; var cookieList = []; var l; for (var j=0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; urlList.push(l.href); if (this.cookieSupport) { cookieList.push(this.getCookie(l, links)); } this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } var job = 'tell app "' + this.macAppName + '" to AddURL {"' + urlList.join('","') + '"}'; if (this.postSupport) { if (links.postData) { job +=' with form data "' + links.postData + '"'; } const referer = this.getReferrer(links); if (referer && referer.length) { job += ' from "' + referer + '"'; } if (cookieList.length) { job += ' with cookies {"' + cookieList.join('","') + '"}'; } } return job; }; if (fg.getPref("oldSD", false)) { new FlashGotDMSD(2); new FlashGotDMSD(3); } new FlashGotDMSD(3.5); new FlashGotDMSD("Lite"); dm = new FlashGotDMMac("Leech", "com.manytricks.Leech"); dm.askPath = [true, true, true]; dm.cookieSupport = dm.postSupport = true; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { var urlList = []; var cookieList = []; var l; for (var j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; urlList.push(l.href); if (this.cookieSupport) { cookieList.push(this.getCookie(l, links).replace(/;\s*$/, '')); } this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } var job = 'tell app "' + this.macAppName + '" to download URLs {"' + urlList.join('", "') + '"}'; if (links.postData) { job += ' by posting data "' + links.postData + '"'; } job += ' to POSIX path "' + links.folder + '"'; if (cookieList.length) { job += ' using cookies "' + cookieList.join('; ') + '; "'; } const referer = this.getReferrer(links); if (referer && referer.length) { job += ' with referrer "' + referer + '"'; } return job; } dm = new FlashGotDMMac("iGetter", "iGET"); dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { const referrer = this.getReferrer(links); var l, params = []; for (var j = 0, len = links.length; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; params.push('{\u00ABclass ----\u00BB:"' + l.href + '", \u00ABclass refe\u00BB:"' + referrer + '", \u00ABclass cook\u00BB:"' + this.getCookie(l, links) + '"}'); this.updateProgress(links, j, len); } return "tell application \"" + this.macAppName + "\"\n\u00ABevent iGETGURL\u00BB {" + params.join(",") + "} given \u00ABclass brsg\u00BB:\"MOZB\"\n" + "end tell\n"; }; dm = new FlashGotDMMac("Folx", "com.eltima.Folx") dm.cookieSupport = true; dm.createJob = function(links, opType) { var urls = [], cookies = [], titles = []; for (var j = 0, len = links.length, l; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; urls.push(l.href); cookies.push(this.getCookie(l, links)); titles.push(l.description.replace(/[\u0000-\u0020"\s]+/g, ' ')); } var job = "tell application \""+ this.macAppName + "\"\n" + 'add URLs {"' + urls.join('", "') + "\"} with referrer \"" + this.getReferrer(links) + "\" with cookies {\"" + cookies.join('", "') + "\"} with titles {\"" + titles.join('", "') + "\"} "; if (links.postData) job += 'with post data "' + links.postData + '"'; return job + " from applecation \"FlashGot\"\nend tell\n"; } if ("nsIDownloadManager" in CI) { dm = new FlashGotDM(fg.getString("dm.builtIn")); dm._codeName = "_Built_In_"; dm._supported = true; dm.priority = "zzz"; // put on the bottom of the list dm.askPath = [true, true, true]; dm.postSupport = true; dm._checkLinks = function(links, cs, callback) { var l, ch, count = links.length, noRedir = this.getPref("noRedir") || links.postData, allDone = true, progressHolder = { progress: links.progress }; var rx; try { rx = new RegExp(this.getPref("noRedir.extensions"), "i"); } catch (e) {} for (var j = links.length; j-- > 0;) { l = links[j]; l.uri = IOS.newURI(l.href, cs, null); if (noRedir || l.fname || !(l.uri instanceof CI.nsIURL) || rx && rx.test(l.uri.fileName)) { count--; continue; } allDone = false; ch = IOS.newChannelFromURI(l.uri); ch.asyncOpen({ dm: this, link: l, onStartRequest: function(ch, ctx) { if (!(ch instanceof CI.nsIHttpChannel) || Math.round(ch.responseStatus / 100) != 3) this._done(ch); }, onDataAvailable: function(req, ctx , stream , offset , count ) { this._done(ch); }, onStopRequest: function(req, ctx, status) { }, _done: function(ch) { ch.cancel(NS_BINDING_ABORTED); if (ch instanceof CI.nsIHttpChannel && ch.responseStatus == 200 && !/\b(?:x|ht)ml\b/.test(ch.contentType)) { this.link.uri = ch.URI; try { this.link.fname = ch.getResponseHeader("content-disposition").match(/; filename="([^"]+)/i)[1]; } catch(e) {} } if (--count === 0) { callback(); progressHolder.progress.update(100); } else { this.dm.updateProgress(progressHolder, links.length - count, links.length); } } }, null); } if (allDone) callback(); else links.progress = null; // prevents the progress bar from being filled immediately }; dm._prepareDownload = function(links, opType) { const cs = links.document && links.document.characterSet || "UTF-8"; var ref = this.getReferrer(links); links.refURI = ref && IOS.newURI(ref, cs, null) || null; var self = this; this._checkLinks(links, cs, function() { self.performDownload(links, opType); }); }; dm.performDownload = function(links, opType) { if (!links._prepared) { links._prepared = true; this._prepareDownload(links, opType); return; } const persistFlags = CI.PERSIST_FLAGS_REPLACE_EXISTING_FILES | CI.nsIWebBrowserPersist.PERSIST_FLAGS_AUTODETECT_APPLY_CONVERSION | CI.nsIWebBrowserPersist.PERSIST_FLAGS_FROM_CACHE; const dType = CI.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_TYPE_DOWNLOAD; var postData = links.postStream || null; var uri, folder, file; var persist, args; var now = Date.now() * 1000; var dm = CC["@mozilla.org/download-manager;1"].getService(CI.nsIDownloadManager); folder = CC["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(CI.nsILocalFile); folder.initWithPath(links.folder); var mozAddDownload; if(dm.startBatchUpdate) { mozAddDownload = typeof(dType) == "undefined" ? function(src, dest, des, persist) { return dm.addDownload(src, dest, des, null, now, null, persist); } : function(src, dest, des, persist) { return dm.addDownload(dType, src, dest, des, null, null, now, null, persist); } ; dm.startBatchUpdate(); } else { mozAddDownload = function(src, dest, des, persist) { return dm.addDownload(dType, src, dest, des, null, now, null, persist); }; } var dl; const overwrite = this.getPref("overwrite", false); for(var j = 0, len = links.length, l; j < len; j++) { l = links[j]; try { uri = l.uri; file = fg.createDownloadFile(folder, l.fname || uri, overwrite); if (!file) continue; persist = CC["@mozilla.org/embedding/browser/nsWebBrowserPersist;1"].createInstance(CI.nsIWebBrowserPersist); persist.persistFlags = persistFlags; fg.log("Saving " + l.href + " to " + file.path); persist.progressListener = dl = mozAddDownload(uri, IOS.newFileURI(file), file.leafName, persist) .QueryInterface(CI.nsIWebProgressListener); const cacheKey = CC['@mozilla.org/supports-string;1'].createInstance(CI.nsISupportsString); cacheKey.data = uri.spec; persist.saveURI(uri, cacheKey, links.refURI, postData, null, file); } catch (e) { fg.log("Skipping link " + l.href + ": " + e); } } if(dm.endBatchUpdate) dm.endBatchUpdate(); if(dm.flush) dm.flush(); if(this.getPref("showDM", true)) { try { // SeaMonkey dm.open(links.browserWindow, dl); } catch(notSeamonkey) { const DMBRANCH = "browser.download.manager."; var prefs = fg.prefService.getBranch(DMBRANCH); try { if (!(prefs.getBoolPref("showWhenStarting") && prefs.getBoolPref("useWindow"))) return; } catch(noPref) { return; } try { // 1.9 (Toolkit) // http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/toolkit/components/downloads/src/nsDownloadProxy.h#94 var dmui = CC["@mozilla.org/download-manager-ui;1"].getService(CI.nsIDownloadManagerUI); var focus = false; try { focus = prefs.getBoolPref("focusWhenStarting"); } catch(noPref) {} if (dmui.visible && !focus) { dmui.getAttention(); return; } dmui.show(null, dl, CI.nsIDownloadManagerUI.REASON_NEW_DOWNLOAD); } catch(e1) { try { // 1.8 (Firefox 2) links.browserWindow.document.getElementById("Tools:Downloads").doCommand(); } catch(e2) { } } } } }; } FlashGotDMCust.init(); fg.sortDMS(); dm = null; };